Infectious IDeas
You are listening to Infectious IDeas, a podcast series presented by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), where leading experts join for thought-provoking conversations that lead to infectious ideas. Guests include humble heroes working towards a shared vision of healthier lives for all through effective prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
Infectious IDeas
Vaccine Visionary, Pastor, and Public Health Provocateur—Gregory A. Poland, MD
Join Marla Dalton, PE, CAE, and William Schaffner, MD, for a thought-provoking discussion with Gregory A. Poland, MD, a distinguished physician-scientist and director of the Vaccine Research Group at Mayo Clinic. Poland shares his inspiring journey in vaccine research and his unique perspective as both a scientist and an ordained Presbyterian minister. Tune in as he discusses vaccine confidence, the future of vaccinology, and the deep-rooted connection between his theological beliefs and his scientific work.
Show notes
Poland is president of Atria Health Academy of Science and Medicine and editor-in-chief of the journal Vaccine. A public health provocateur who has been a voice for science throughout his career, he has served on numerous advisory committees involved in US vaccine policymaking and was a leader among those who successfully persuaded the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to recommend annual influenza vaccination for everyone age 6 months and older. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he gave thousands of media interviews and presentations, including sharing his own experience as a patient with COVID-19. In 2022, he was nominated for a Pulitzer for his weekly podcasts on the COVID-19 pandemic.